10 Easy Ways to Keep Your House Smelling Fresh and Clean


Maintaining your house’s cleaning and ensuring that it smells nice is a tough job to do. Luckily, there are a couple of non-toxic things that you can do to simplify and streamline your process.

That way, you can make your home spic and span with ease. Here are ten cleaning tips that can help you keep your house smelling fresh and clean:

Let Some Fresh Air In

Instead of investing in an air freshener, all you need is to open your windows more. If you find that your house feels a little stuffy, then that is the best time to open your windows and welcome the fresh air in. Doing so will help avoid unwanted or unpleasant smells from sticking in the room for long. Aside from that, it also allows much-needed sunlight in a room, which deodorizes it.

It is a free and simple change that you can do any time to make your house feel much fresher and cleaner.


Spruce Up With Houseplants

Houseplants can be an excellent addition to any home. The pop of greeneries in any area can add a feeling of freshness and cleanliness to it. At the same time, plants can help improve indoor air quality.

So instead of spraying a room with air fresheners all the time, why not buy some indoor plants instead? Mind you, there are a million and one ways you can incorporate greenery in a room.

Opt for Beeswax Candles

Many homeowners opt to light scented candles to make an inviting scent in the house. However, the health effects and safety of a burning candle can be concerning. Although no studies show how burning candle wax, like paraffin, is harmful to people’s health, you can always use a different candle. Candles made from plant-based materials or natural sources can be an alternative that will bring people more comfort. Beeswax candles, for example, are a great alternative to the standard paraffin candles that you can use in your home.

PRO TIP: You can melt the leftover beeswax together to make another candle or use it to make beeswax wrap. The latter is an eco-friendly alternative to plastic food wraps.


Simplify Your Cleaning Products

We know that it can be tricky to keep track of which cleaning solution to put where. Many commercially available cleaning solutions have toxic ingredients in them. Plus, they can be hyper-specific. Instead of juggling all that, Maid Sailors Home Cleaning Services NYC recommends that you simplify your cleaning products and opt for green cleaning instead.

Many green cleaning products are all-purpose, so you won’t have to worry about using the right cleaning product on the correct surface. Plus, since they’re environmentally friendly, green cleaning products won’t harm you or other people in your family. It’s also not going to be detrimental to the environment.

Ventilate Your Kitchen Properly

Cooking has a more significant effect on the indoor air quality of your home than you would initially believe.

Particulates in the air can trigger health concerns if you’re not careful. And cooking, especially in large portions, can undoubtedly increase the number of particulates in the air. That’s why you should invest in ventilating your kitchen correctly.

If you want to make sure that your kitchen is well-ventilated, then you should check if your kitchen:

  • Has something that removes cooking fumes as close as possible to the source

  • Has air movement that is present and doesn’t cause discomfort

  • It prevents excess hot air and introduces cool air

These factors can help improve the freshness of your kitchen and reduce the particulates in the air.

Clean Your Garbage Disposal

It would help if you cleaned your garbage disposal ideally every week to ensure no buildups can cause unpleasant odors wafting from it. If you find unpleasant odors in it, you can freeze orange or lemon peels into ice cubes and run the ice cubes through your garbage disposal. That should help deodorize and clean the blades of your garbage disposal.

Reduce Mold and Mildew

You don’t want your house to be too dry, but if the humidity levels are too high, then mold and mildew can build up, which can be hazardous for your health. Places like your bathroom are places in your home that you should routinely lookout for mold and mildew. After all, who would want to breathe in mold spores and damage their lungs?


Use Essential Oils Inside Your House

If you want a fresh-smelling home, essential oils are a great way to do that. With the help of an aroma diffuser or humidifier, you can help add more pleasant smells to your home without the use of artificial air fresheners.

There are plenty of different scents to choose from, and some of them can have other positive effects on you as well. Just double-check to ensure that you aren’t allergic to them or harmful to any pets you may have before adding them to your humidifier.

Air Out Your Blankets

If you want to refresh your blankets but don’t have the time to wash them just yet, consider airing them out somewhere first. Placing your blanket on a clothing line outside or even just over the staircase railing can help air them out. It can help get rid of smells clinging to it and can help make it a little bit fresher, at least until you rewash them.

Alternatively, if you have a specific place to keep your laundered towels and linens, they’re far less likely to become musty and/or collecting mold, even when left to dry after a shower. If you don’t already have them, invest in simple bathroom and laundry cabinets for a small and simple way to add function to your bathroom.


Clean with Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is not only a great cooking ingredient, but there are plenty of households uses for it. If you want to reduce toxic cleaning products, consider using lemon juice as a substitute. For example, you can use lemon juice as a way to clean your bathroom, mainly to remove any buildup of soap scum and limescale. Its acidity can be firm, so it’s best not to use it on delicate materials, but for items like cleaning your bathtub and shower, lemon juice is good to use.

With the help of the cleaning tips listed above, you do not need to use chemical-laden products to make your home smell nice. You can also keep your house clean without compromising your health and safety.