10 Ideas For A Functional Yet Stylish Nursery

Sure you may have been working most of your adult life to develop and achieve your own grown-up, beautifully decorated interior haven. But once a wee babe comes your way, preventing your home from being overrun with offensively hued, patterned, and often loud baby gear is an ongoing challenge. And while it’s tempting to just keep all the baby stuff in the nursery, you still want the nursery to be a calming, beautiful space for both you and the baby - and a functional one as well. So with functionality in mind, we rounded up 10 ideas to help create a beautiful nursery you’ll be able to maintain (and will love to spend time in).

1) Take A Realistic Look At Styles That Speak To You

Take note of all the styles and themes that speak to you, as it’s often possible to pull from a few for the perfect combo for your space. However regardless of what you go with, it’s a good idea to keep it fairly simple, as you’ll likely want to redecorate a few years down the line. Take advantage of this moment in time as well, as your child doesn’t know what they like yet, but you definitely do.

2) Go For A Neutral Color Palette

Even if you’re not totally sold on neutrals yourself, going for a neutral or even a pastel color palette is often a great place to start. After all, you can subtly or dramatically change the room by adding cost-effective accessories at any time. With a neutral base, you may never have to completely redecorate the room, but instead just add a few pieces here and there.

3) Invest In A Comfortable Nursing Chair 

Many newborn purchases are subjective, as every baby is different. However, this is the one thing you really want to invest in - you’ll be spending a long time in it! A comfortable nursing chair will make a huge difference to how comfortable you and your baby are when using the room. Make sure you also have a little table nearby for extra baby accessories - and a snack for you, of course.

4) Introduce Positivity 

No matter how much you enjoy your own special brand of cynicism, introducing positivity through artwork or quotes/affirmations can be an uplifting asset for the room. While you may find positive quotes a little cheesy and baby may not be able to read them yet, no matter how much you want to roll your eyes at them, they can have an impact on both you and baby.

5) Read Up Before You Buy A Crib 

Not all cribs are created equal. Make sure you read third party reviews before you buy a crib. You should know things like what size is a standard crib mattress, as well as other pieces of information, like if it converts into a toddler bed, that will help you to make a decision. You want the crib to be comfortable and you don’t want them to be able to break out of it when they are older. 

6) Put Everything You Need By The Changing Table

This is something you might figure out yourself soon enough once the baby arrives, but you might as well start off on the right foot. Having to run to grab another diaper, wipe, or fresh onesie could result in a golden shower on your wall, a poop explosion, or even a more dangerous accident.  

7) Avoid Clutter At All Costs

There’s minimalism. And then there’s functional minimalism. Avoid clutter and do your research on functional storage before buying just for cuteness. Make sure what you invest in maximizes its use of space - buy pieces that double up such as an ottoman that also stores excess bits and pieces, or drawers that slide under the crib. Try to keep the space as light and airy as possible and it’ll feel much nicer. 

8) Get Washable Wallpaper

Maybe the best kept and most game changing secret on this list - washable wallpaper will be a godsend as there’s every chance your baby will pee up the wall. You’ll be glad you made this decision the first time they do it and grateful for it down the line, once they start drawing on the walls…

9) Make It Night On A Dime

You need your nursery to mimic night time at any given time and pronto. And we mean truly dark - babies aren't stupid. Blackout blinds will make it night time dark and you’ll all rest easier. Also, pro tip: forget investing in a nightlight - you can turn any lamp you own into a night light by simply swapping in a night light bulb. 


10) Include Pieces From People Who Love Them 

One of the nicest ways to decorate a nursery is to use pieces from people who love your little one. Most likely, friends and family have inundated you with gifts, so see if you can fit any thoughtful pieces into the decor. Your child may not understand now, but you’ll be building memories and stories, and it’ll make them smile when they get older. It’s also a perfect way to keep thoughts of your loved ones alive and well in your baby’s mind as she or he gets older.