Mood-Led Interior Design


Your home needs to be a place of comfort and inspiration, so it needs to fit with the various moods you have throughout your life. Some people achieve this by decorating rooms in contrasting ways while others like the security of a single interior design concept. Either way, starting with your inner world is one of the best ways to accomplish interior design that supports your lifestyle and puts you in the right mindset.

Use your windows 

Most people don't think about the potential of their windows to create new moods in their homes. They might look at the window view when they buy the home but after that, it is largely forgotten except as its own accessory.

Nature is so important for lifting your mood and making you feel internally nourished. If you have a lovely view from the window make the most of it, otherwise, you can decorate the area with green plants. And don’t forget to open the window a crack now and then. 

Maximise colors 

Colors have a powerful effect on the way we feel. Surprisingly the reason for this is not well known to science yet, but it is well known to artists and interior designers. Everyone knows that a yellow room can make you feel anxious and a blue one will make you feel calm. 

With this in mind choosing the colors for your home is one of the most significant parts of creating a home that fits your mood. What would you want to feel anxious about in the bedroom or relax in the home office? Choose your colors carefully based on the main purpose of each room. 

Choose room themes 

That brings us neatly to room themes. In short, a room’s theme is a set of ideas you have about your living space that contributes to its atmosphere. This could be things like cottage, coastal, art deco, modern or minimalist. 

There is no limit to the number of themes you have in your home. In fact, you could have a different theme for each room of your home if it fits your moods and helps you feel more aligned. And since we are all complex creatures, mixing and matching makes perfect sense.

Use furniture sets 

Like themes, furniture sets can give your room a sense of uniformity and concept. Even if you have painted walls and hanging artwork that seems incongruent with the furniture sets, there is still a sense of contrast and juxtaposition that works well together. 

Sets also give more of a linear style with everything matching instead of contrasting. In that case, you will want to have furniture sets like these mirrored furniture sets that match up nearly with your overall concept. 

However mismatched furniture also has its place in creating a unique space that is specifically for you. Consider saving sentimental or favorite pieces for the rooms where you spend most of your time.

Harmony or contrast 

There are two types of people in the world, those who love harmony and those who love the contrast. Both are equally valid, especially when it comes to interior design. The philosophy and style you choose for your home will largely depend on your sensibilities and moods. 

If you choose a home design that values harmony you will have colors that blend together and rounded shapes for furniture. If you have a contrasting personality you will probably be more comfortable with mismatched color and furniture pieces. Either way, finding opportunities to invite in a little of each will give your space a cohesive yet individualized feel.