4 Different Uses of Spray Foam That You Didn't Know About


If you have spray foam at home, chances are it's leftover from providing insulation. However, there are many different uses of spray foam that you didn't know about, beyond just sealing up cracks. These will help beautify your home, provide inconceivable functionality, and help use up the can before it goes bad. Here are our favorites!

Lowers Pipe Noise

Spray foam is handy for closing wall openings around pipes or faucets, but did you know that it can help keep them quieter? Try using it as an insulator around a pipe that is behind the wall to keep the rattling sound to a minimum. Hopefully, you already had an opening nearby the sound, so you can simply point, spray, and silence.

Build Backyard Waterscapes

Walking out to the backyard and hearing the sound of water rippling could elevate any backyard. Spray foam keeps objects stuck together and is waterproof, so why not use it in a mini rock-adorned waterfall? When creating the rockscape, you can use the spray foam to stick the pieces together and help construct a more defined path for the water to flow.

Carve Lightweight Shapes

Arts and crafts are probably one of the different uses of spray foam that you didn't know about. If you ever have chunks of unneeded dried spray foam, carve them into different shapes. Use them to add to a table centerpiece, create a minimalist mobile, or even a kid's toy! We wouldn't recommend that your little ones do the carving, but it could be fun to include them in the process.

Secure Decorative Foliage in Vases

Seasonal potted shrubbery or front porch showpieces will both benefit from being more secured with a quick spritz of spray foam. After you've assembled a masterpiece in an urn or vase, it's too depressingly easy to get knocked around by the wind or a passerby. Next time you want twigs and steps to stay put, enlist the help of some low-pressure spray foam to help.

Bonus Use: As per the image, with a little imagination and skill, spray foam can have some incredibly crafty uses decor wise. What do you think about the spray foam mirror trend?

LivingKate Romeo