4 Tips To Optimize Your Invisalign Treatment
Invisalign is an excellent alternative to traditional braces, but there are some things you can do that will optimize your treatment. You must commit to your treatment plan to see results in straightening your teeth. We know it can be hard to remember to wear your trays, but with our advice, you can maximize your treatment and experience with Invisalign.
Soak Your Trays While You Eat
There are many things you need to know about Invisalign. For one, you wear the trays for the majority of your day or around 22 hours. That’s a lot of time to be wearing your aligners, so don’t be surprised if they become stained or develop an odor. You can combat this by soaking the trays in diluted (dye-free) mouthwash or denture cleaner while you’re eating to help keep them clean. Brush and floss your teeth after your meal, rinse off your trays, and pop them back into your mouth!
Bite Down on Aligner Chewies
When you’re replacing one set of aligners with a new pair, there may be a gap between your teeth and the bottom of the tray. This can cause the Invisalign to fit loosely, and it cannot properly realign your teeth. To solve this problem, we recommend biting down on aligner chewies—small plastic cylinders—for five minutes a day to gently push your teeth fully into the aligner.
Set Daily Reminders To Wear Your Invisalign
The only way to really optimize your Invisalign treatment is to wear your aligners consistently throughout your treatment. The more you avoid wearing them because they’re uncomfortable, the more you’re harming your treatment timeline and your results. If you have difficulty with self-discipline, we suggest setting daily reminders on your phone so you remember to always wear your trays throughout the day.
Never Miss Appointments
Going to your appointments with your dentist or orthodontist is paramount for your treatment. They need to get a good look at your mouth to determine if you’re making progress with your Invisalign. Skipping appointments or forgetting will only set you up for failure. On the bright side, traditional braces require far more appointments than Invisalign treatments, so you won’t have as many visits to attend—you just need to remember to go!
Invisalign is a great course of treatment for straightening your teeth, but it can only work successfully if you stick with your treatment plan and wear your trays. We understand that it can be difficult to remember to wear your aligners or adequately care for them, so we made this list of tips! Keep in mind the four tips above to optimize the results of your Invisalign treatment.
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