5 Eco-Friendly Changes To Your Home
As a homeowner, you can play a part in reducing carbon emissions and conserving resources in your community by implementing a few environmentally friendly practices. However, not everyone can afford to install numerous solar panels or water collection systems. You can still make an impact by choosing an eco-friendly change you can make to your home—even the smallest changes can help!
Cut Out Paper Bills
How are you currently receiving your bills? Does the energy company send a physical copy to your home every month? Technology and the internet have come a long way. We now have the option to go completely paperless when it comes to our bills because we can check every single one of our statements online. Why waste paper when you can view the same information with the click of a button?
Switch To Using Cold Water in Your Washer
Most people think they must wash their clothes in hot water to ensure their garments are clean. However, using cold water could make a difference by conserving energy and helping the environment. Cold water doesn’t require energy from our water heaters, thus reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the amount of detergent we use. It’s a simple and subtle change, but it’s a way for you to create a healthier environment for your community.
Consider Gas Fireplaces Instead of Wood
Do you know which is more eco-friendly—gas or wood fireplaces? The traditional wood-fueled fireplace in our homes is great for ambiance and adds a classy feel to our living rooms, but it can negatively affect our health and the environment. The wood you burn in the flue produces more carbon emissions than the gas counterpart. Installing a gas line and using natural gas for fuel is more environmentally friendly for your home.
Only Use Natural Cleaning Products
The harsh chemicals you’re most likely using in your home are bad for the environment. We recommend switching to sustainably packaged, natural cleaning products. They are just as effective at cleaning your home as their chemical counterparts. Naturally made products won’t add chemicals to our water systems, and they’re better for our health.
Try Reusable Paper Towels
We go through paper towels like it’s our job. We use them to wipe up spills, dry dishes, pick up messes, you name it! Like us, you might get to the point where you’re using more than enough to clean your home. A small eco-friendly change you can make to your home is cutting out single-use paper towels and switching to reusable cloths. You can even find unique patterns, so cleaning up spills and messes can be fun! After using the towel, toss it in your washer so you can reuse it the next day.
You don’t need to spend a lot of money on new appliances to make your home eco-friendly. Simple, everyday lifestyle changes can suffice to make an impact on the environment. These changes won’t affect your daily life either; you can carry on as usual! Which one of these changes will you make first?
Spring is the best time to start some of the more important home improvement projects around your house. Here are the main ones you should prioritize.