5 Ways To Improve Your Breath
Everyone wants fresh-smelling breath. Yet, oral health mistakes could lead to halitosis (bad breath).
Step One: Attack the Plaque
Bad breath is often caused by a build-up of sticky plaque on the teeth, as it collects bacteria that emit a foul smell. Also, food trapped between teeth can amplify the problem.
Banish halitosis by brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing daily. However, avoid brushing your teeth too hard, as you could wear down the enamel and increase your likelihood of decay.
Step Two: Scrape Your Tongue
Did you know more than six billion bacteria are in your mouth right now? Plus, 700 different species are sitting inside your mouth.
Unfortunately, the bacteria can develop a coating on your tongue, which may produce an unpleasant smell.
Banish the coating by brushing your tongue twice daily with your toothbrush. If your toothbrush can’t comfortably reach the back of your tongue, use a scraper instead. Apply pressure on the surface of your tongue to remove bacteria, dead cells, and food debris.
Step Three: Visit a Dentist
Book an appointment with a dentist to identify the cause of your halitosis and embark on the most effective treatment.
For example, should it be something more serious than plaque, such as gum disease, the dentist can help reduce symptoms with teeth cleaning, antibiotics, and prescription toothpaste.
Tooth decay is another potential culprit of bad breath, and a dentist may recommend a filling, root canal, or tooth extraction to resolve the issue.
Booking a minimum of twice-yearly appointments with a dental clinic to stay on top of your oral health is a great way to automate maintenance. A spot like bafdentistry.com will provide comprehensive dental services to resolve every oral health issue, from teeth cleaning and fillings to crowns and implants.
Step Four: Stop Smoking
Smoking cannot only cause oral cancer, but it will stain your teeth, damage your gums, and lead to halitosis.
Book an appointment with your doctor to learn about the smoking programs and tactics available to help you quit for good.
Also, you might be able to be prescribed medications to ease the addiction or recommend trying over-the-counter nicotine patches or gums.
Step Five: Chew Sugarless Gum
Lastly, sugarless gum does more than temporarily freshen the mouth. It stimulates saliva that naturally protects against the plaque acids that cause tooth decay and halitosis. Swapping a smoking habit for a gum one is not only healthy, it’s kinda retro - and we dig that.
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