8 Healthy Pregnancy Essentials


Whether you enjoy pregnancy or not, being pregnant and having a baby is an exciting, extremely game-changing moment in your life. There’s so much to look forward to and so many memories to be made. And while everyone’s experience is different, taking control over a few aspects of your pregnancy can make a world of difference throughout your pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and beyond.

Obtain Proper Prenatal Care

It’s important to start with the basics, and prenatal care is essential. Find a provider who you know is well-trained and who you find pleasant to work with and be around. It’s a long nine months, so you want your doctor to be someone with whom you feel comfortable confiding, who answers your questions without judgement, and has your best interest at heart. Also, there will be a plethora of doctors’ appointments in your new future, so it may be helpful to choose a clinic near your home.

Make Sleep & Rest A Priority

Make sleep and rest a priority, period. It may be challenging if you’re busy or if you’re uncomfortable in your pregnancy, but sleep is crucial at this stage. After all, you’re making a human - that takes a LOT of work. Arrange your bedroom, so it’s ideal and comfortable for sleeping each night. As the months go by, you may want to consider getting a body or pregnancy pillow to use at night. Go for the basics: find a good book to get or take a bath to help you relax before bedtime. Blackout curtains can also do a world of wonder. Take breaks throughout the day and put your feet up to alleviate some pressure off your body and back. You want to make sure that you avoid overdoing it and feeling worn down.


Take Your Vitamins

It’s also essential that you take your vitamins to stay well during pregnancy. You’ll need to take your prenatal vitamin each day, and there may be others you should consider discussing taking with your doctor. For example, fish oil and magnesium are a few you might want to bring up. Btw, magnesium is safe to take during pregnancy and offers many benefits, such as relieving leg cramps, hip pains, and migraines. Tip: take your vitamins around the same time every day, so that you actually remember to take them.

Exercise & Eat Right

Being pregnant, it doesn’t mean you can’t exercise or get your heart rate up. However, it’s best to discuss what’s safe with your provider and doable for you based on your health. Some ideas that may be feasible are yoga, walking, and indoor stationary cycling. You may even find (gasp) that you feel better after you get in some daily movement and stretch out your body. Also, focus on consuming a healthy diet that’s nutritious for you and your baby. Even if you mostly just want ice cream, sneaking in some actual nutrient-dense foods will give both you and the baby the right fuel for what’s to come.

Set Boundaries

While it’s good to be busy and have a routine, you also don’t want to overexert yourself during pregnancy. Setting boundaries so that you aren’t committing to too much and can avoid feeling overwhelmed. Pick a time to share the news with your employer so that you can work together to make sure you’re able to stay well while maintaining your work duties. Be clear about how you are feeling with friends and family so that they know what your limits are -both socially and mentally. Get comfortable with scheduling yourself some ‘me time’ and sticking to it. This is definitely a habit you will want to instill in yourself before the babe arrives. Trust us, getting the whole family used you having guilt-free ‘me time’ right now will do wonders in combating the inevitable mom guilt waiting for you around the corner… nip that sucker in the bud as best you can now.


Newsflash: Water is an ideal option when it comes to what to drink while you’re carrying a baby. Your body needs more water now than it did when you weren’t pregnant - and now that vino is no longer on the menu, you have more opportunities to get in those eight or more cups a day. Consider adding splashes of fruits and vegetables to it if you don’t like the taste of plain water. Keep a water bottle on you throughout the day so you can carry it wherever you go and don’t forget to hydrate. And don’t let your incessant need to pee stop you from imbibing all that H20 goodness either. You’re going to have to pee either way, so you might as well make it a good one!

Ask for Help

Speak up and ask for help when you need it. Seriously. This one is non-negotiable. For example, talk to your partner about helping out with the chores and avoid lifting any heavy boxes or items. Believe it or not, people are not aware we need assistance unless we use our voices and reach out to let others know we want them to step in and lend a hand. Now isn’t the time to try to do it all and spread yourself too thin (this goes for after the baby arrives to, FYI). Take it easy and only do what you must so you can use the other time to rest and regroup.

Manage Your Stress

The last situation you want when you’re pregnant is to be stressed out and unhappy. And proactively managing your stress is key. Give meditation or deep breathing a go, spend time in nature, or take a few days off work even (why not). Even if you’ve never kept a journal before, keeping a journal right now and writing down how you’re feeling and what’s on your mind (and how you might be able to work through it) could not only be helpful for clarity, but it could also help you put your needs into words for others. There’s always help from friends and family or a professional therapist if you need it. Focus on taking good care of yourself and remember that your baby’s happiness and health starts with yours!