Adjusting Our Travel Goals To 2022
Although the Omicron variant has continued to disrupt tourism, the silver lining is that we have all somewhat adapted to the new normal - at least a little better than 2020 - and the world is in a (slightly) better place to handle the crisis. We can’t help but keep hope for the end, especially with vaccine upgrades and treatment pills potentially on the horizon. With our hope in tow, we can start to tentatively make travel plans for the year - but with different parameters than we may have only a few years ago. Practical thinking takes a front seat to spontaneous wanderlust - with the emphasis remaining on safety. However smart choices and simple strategies can help us explore new places and kickstart your foray out into the world again. Here are some ideas for itching that travel bug in these uncertain times.
Wellness goals
The pandemic has taken a toll on physical and mental well-being, and they definitely deserve a little extra attention this year. While social distancing and vaccine boosters are our front line of defense when it comes to illness this year, finding other ways and ideas to boost your immunity, not to mention ways to reduce stress, is crucial to overall wellness. From a distanced weekend at a luxurious spa resort or getting out into the crisp mountain air, make some time to indulge in pleasure in unique spaces that speak to you this year. Maybe just skip the spas until the holiday crowds die down. Your mental health will thank you.
Road trips
Planning a road trip or two is a must-do in 2022 as driving continues to be the safest way to travel. Although flights have resumed, road trips are likely to go strong in the coming years. Navigate unknown destinations with limited exposure to the virus and enjoy the luxury of making a plan on the go - an ideal choice for adventure lovers.
Budget travel
When the money runs tight, nothing gets better than budget travel. You can find plenty of options to save, from finding deals on flights and hotels to stick to your budget. PS - if you’ve done timeshares in the past and want to save for the long run, now might be a good time to get rid of your timeshare property. The annual maintenance costs can be painful in pandemic times. It making a lot of sense out of collaborating with one of the best timeshare exit companies and find your way out. The step can help you save today and for years to come.
Nearby destinations
Traveling to nearby destinations is imperative this year. The fresh surge of the virus has proved that international destinations may still be out of reach for a while - and the last thing in the world that we want to do is go to a hotel quarantine when we land overseas for a holiday. Exploring nearby locations is a better choice as we can see more while spending less. Not to mention, it enables you to do our bit to help the local economy, which may be suffering a hit from loss of international travelers.
Safe Accommodations
Another idea you cannot miss out on this year is safe accommodation that lets you holiday without worrying about infection. Steer clear of expensive hotels and crowded luxury resorts, and settle for a vacation rental this year. You won’t get anxiety or risk infection in lobbies and lifts. Moreover, you have all the freedom and privacy you want. You can even cook your own food, reducing costs and risks even further.
Travel in 2022 redefines the new normal for the industry and travel buffs alike. But with a few tweaks, we can all still get out and enjoy the world around us safely.
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