Mini Confidence Boosts For The New Year

Appearances aren’t everything. But it’s not as if they don’t affect our daily lives either. When we feel good about our appearance, we are much more likely to go into the world with confidence - and that approach can have ripple effects that spread far and wide. But with a world that has a bad habit of telling us we’re not good enough, finding confidence in our appearance can be an ongoing process. Here are a few things to keep in mind:


Find Your Unique Style

Yes, it’s fun to follow the latest trends - and it’s often an instant confident boost. It makes us feel current and part of the in-crowd. But the truth is, originality is never defined by following a trend - no one stands out by jumping on a bandwagon. Instead, focus on what makes your sense of style unique. What makes you you, despite the season or what you’re scrolling through in the ‘new’ tab? Leaving the trends alone is the one surefire way to free yourself from the neverending fashion treadmill, which will always need updating and expanding.

Having your own style isn’t about having the latest and best clothes; it’s about having clothes that work for you - keyword being you. Arriving at this stage can be a process, but it’s a worthwhile journey. A good place to start is to think about what makes you feel most like yourself regardless of current trends. And then find a way to maintain that within the image you want to present to the world.


Work With the Pros

You may have the skills to put together a presentable hairstyle and at the end of Covid, even give yourself a haircut. But we all get stuck in ruts - especially when we’re in charge of our own beauty. A great way to inject a little freshness into your look is to enlist a professional. If you’re on the low maintenance side, request a low-key look you can recreate or tweak yourself at home - as well as a cut or color that can grow out and look good for longer periods of time. Plus if you’re not going in for regular upkeep, it’s easier to can justify spending slightly more than normal on an occasional update than going in for regular maintenance.

Home Improvements

No-one is perfect. And it’s also true our physical imperfections don’t need fixing. Our physical quirks are what make us unique and leaning into them not only frees us to be our best selves, it also supports a viewpoint that challenges and lifts the status quo. However if there’s something that truly knocks your confidence, then no one but you has the right to judge your agency to make a change. From in-home facials to brow kits to even braces that will straighten teeth at home, the concept of ‘home improvement’ can really be applied to every aspect of our lives.


Eliminate Physical and Metaphysical Toxins

Yup, both affect our appearance. Approaching how we look from the outside in is the most common approach - it satisfies our desire for instant gratification and fuels our reassurance that we are making a change. But the big changes often start from the inside out. From the food you eat to the cleaning supplies in your home - processed goods, chemicals, fragrances and other hormone disrupters run rampant. Yes, we’ve managed to stay alive regardless of all the hazards out there. But that doesn’t mean small improvements in daily habits can’t eliminate a ton of toxicity in our lives. Reach for whole foods every once in a while, instead of Post-mating pizza. Unfollow that account that makes you feel like you’re not enough. Go for a walk before hopping into the next Netflix binge. Chug a glass of water every time you enter your kitchen. Call your therapist. Gracefully bow out of the gossip. All of these things and more will improve your glow and can actually transform your looks. Alcohol and cigarette smoke are also obvious places to start. And while we won’t go into all the health implications, of which there are many, they also both dull the skin and eyes. Give them up, and within a week or so and use your new glow to keep motivating you.