How To Creatively Use the Spare Bedrooms in Your Home

As easy as it may be to end up using your spare bedroom as a storage room, we’re here to offer some alternative solutions.

Pet Room

Let’s be honest; you’re not spoiling your pet until you create an entire room just for them. Use your spare bedroom to keep their favorite toys, beds, and feeding stations. You can put a cute rug in there with a nice TV (optional) and a few lamps to set a relaxing mood for them.

Hey, it may sound silly, but I’m sure they wouldn’t mind! This will also keep the clutter out of sight, which is a bonus for us any day!


Live out your dream of being Belle from Beauty and the Beast and build your own library full of books you’ve read, your favorite books, and books you want to read but know there’s a high chance you won’t, but they still look pretty on the wall.

Placing a cozy rug, soft lighting, and a comfy chair in the room can entice you to take some time out of your day to read a good book. The only thing that’s missing is a rainy day.

Creative Room

Have some fun with your creative room and make it a place to paint, draw, write, sing, dance, or anything that suits your fancy.

Make it as clean or as messy as you want because it’s your rules! In fact, they say that a messy room gets those creative juices flowing because you’re not following strict “cleaning” rules.


Now you can’t make excuses not to exercise! Use your spare room for a yoga/exercise room to bring the gym to your home.

You don’t have to start with big, expensive equipment. For now, you can use a few dumbbells and a yoga mat to include some activity in your day. Having a room dedicated to fitness can help you get in the zone during your sweat sessions.


If you plan on having kids (or more kids), use your spare bedroom as a nursery to plan for the baby. Unlike the creative room, though, you may need some organization hacks for preparing a nursery.

But hey, who said you had to prepare a nursery for a child? You can also use this room to plant and nurse plants!

Creatively use the spare bedrooms in your home by making the room something that fits you and your lifestyle. If you’ve always wanted a place for all your books, a library is a perfect option, or if you don’t want to pay for an expensive gym, work out in a dedicated space at home! Use the room by doing what you love.