Your Exterior Home Summer Maintenance Checklist


Summer isn’t always about relaxing by the pool with a cool drink in your hand. K ,maybe it is. But putting off yearly maintenance tasks can also make your fall, winter, and spring way more annoying. Our way of finding balance? We like to plan our housework months in advance in order to work in ample procrastination time.

And while some things should take a backseat to fun in the sun, a solid summer checklist for maintaining our home’s exterior should be front and center to keep them both safe and beautiful. And since we’re spending all the time outdoors, it’s the time of year where we really get to appreciate the effects of yearly upgrades.

Tackle Important Repairs

Letting yearly home maintenance slip away can start small but yield big effects. When things start to break down around the house, this issues often compound into more costly and time consuming issues. Fix your home up this year by making a personalized checklist of broken outdoor fixtures or objects that need replacing. Even little tasks as simple as replacing burnt-out lightbulbs can warm you up to the more intensive maintenance that for the rest of the summer. Also, start with tasks that you can do yourself before moving on to jobs that may require assistance from a contractor. This not only will save you money, but it will give you a better idea of what you need from a professional.

Maintain or Replace the Roof

Many of the most common causes of roof damage happen during the summer, and if you don’t stay on top of roof maintenance, your damaged roof can suddenly transition into a mold or structural issue inside your house. For most of us, summer can be the rainiest, stormiest season of the year. For others, it’s the driest time of the year. Either way, believe it or not, summer is a great time to tackle roof issues. Don’t wait until you notice a leak or clogged gutters before getting a check-up on your roof. The fair weather in the summer is the perfect opportunity to invest in roof repairs or even a roof replacement.

Repave the Driveway

Just as roads develop cracks and potholes once the winter weather thaws, your driveway may suffer too. If you’ve noticed that your driveway has become a garden for weeds and grass, it may be time to add driveway repaving to your exterior home maintenance checklist for summer. Not only will it add to your home’s curb appeal, but you’ll prevent the driveway from breaking even further and developing harder-to-fix issues.

Little things like a few missing roof shingles in the summer can become something much bigger down the line (like rodent issues). Take advantage of that extra energy and optimism the sun is giving you to tighten up your ship for the rest of the year.