Family Vacay: Make The Most Out Of Every Minute


Despite the fun associated with taking the entire fam on vacation, keeping kids in tow can definitely be challenging. There will be whining. There will be exhaustion. And there will be moments of boredom. The trick to keeping it fun (yea, for you too) is to make it as kid-friendly as possible - just as you would do on a road trip. With 83% of families most likely to travel or go on vacations with their kids, the below might come in handy.

Start WithA Kid Friendly Location

Your ability to spend your vacation in a location that is welcoming and appealing to children is half the problem solved. Children are usually interested in theme parks, attraction spots, and general outdoor spaces that allow for endless experience and exploration. Seeking out places with endless attractions, such as water-themed parks (we loved SeaWorld San Antonio) holds countless experiences that will blow the kiddos’ minds.

Any child-friendly vacation spot will also allow cameras to capture moments at the location. An on-site hotel room (if you’re sleeping over) will save you a ton of time and effort - bonus for the beautiful view that often comes along with it for you. In essence, a child-friendly location will be that magnetic pull that makes every second of your family vacation count.

Allow For Spontaneity

In most cases, parents make a mistake by over-scheduling vacation activities. Most forget to leave room for spontaneity, giving the entire vacation the feeling of a regime. What are some examples of spontaneity to allow? While it’s tempting to try to get your money’s worth while on vacay, make sure to keep an eye on your kids’ morale and energy levels to avoid pushing them through activities. After all, when minors are overstimulated or exhausted, it leaves room for grouchy attitudes. Not like that’s totally avoidable, but hey, we can try…

A great idea is to block out periods of time for ‘free play’ or to let the kids choose a favorite activity they would like to repeat. This gives them autonomy on the trip while allowing you to plan less. Bonus! By leaving room for spontaneity, you’ll create opportunities for some of the most unforgettable and unplanned moments for kids and yourself.

Find Educational Moments In Fun

Vacationing gives adults and parents, especially, an opportunity to impart knowledge into their young ones. Essential life lessons are usually learned in moments when kids are open to new things that confound their young minds. For example, you get to teach them time management skills, how to spend money wisely, eat healthily, and how to appreciate cultures and habits that may feel foreign to them, etc. Moreover, guiding them towards autonomy in learning to travel is one of the biggest confidence boosters and skills you can impart - and all in the name of fun. These are also moments when your kids are most likely exposed to a wide range of people from different places. It’s a fantastic opportunity to broaden their perspectives.