Even though it snowed last week (ok we got a few flakes, but that's a huge deal for anyone living in California), and we just had what might have been our biggest wind storm ever, the rest of the winter has been surprisingly mild. Which means we've gotten to do a lot more outdoor exploring than one might usually do this time of year.

Since we've adopted Bucky, we've taken longer walks and have really started to learn our neighborhood. So when Stephanie and David came for the weekend, I made sure to show Stephanie the back lot and how gorgeous it is! (David got to see it via drone - still trying to figure out how to show you that bc it's amazing footage). 

This year has not been what I expected it too - it's not calmer, it's not easier. But I do feel stronger - and the reasons for being busy (overall) are far better reasons than last year (minus the leaking pipe above our bed, coming within inches to filing a lawsuit against our foundation company, and a washing machine that just broke beyond repair - as of 10 minutes ago. Isn't life exciting?)

The desert continues to inspire, energize, shift perspective, and slap us around a little bit. And even during the roughest moments, I'm so happy we decided to move here and call this place home. Now off to lug 40 lbs of laundry to a laundromat and buy a new washing machine... any suggestions, by the way? 



/ HAT / EARRINGS / BAG / JEANS / SHIRT (vintage Banana Republic) / SHOES /

/ HAT / EARRINGS / BAG / JEANS / SHIRT (vintage Banana Republic) / SHOES /
