Tune Up: The Importance Of Checking In On Yourself


It can be deceivingly easy to feel on top of the world when things are going well for us. But when things get tough, we often come to find that a good portion of our being ‘fine’ is actually kind of a facade. Because the deep work happens below the surface, it’s important to reassess your habits, mindset, how you self care, and your support network regularly. It’s not uncommon to feel like we’ve become locked into the inertia of our actions. Because of this, it’s critical to remember that we are also in charge of adjusting our actions when they no longer serve us.

Start With Yourself

While support networks are a vital lifeline to our wellbeing, none of it will be helpful if you don’t start with examining your own relationship yourself. How we talk to ourselves sets the tone for our perspective on the world and for our perspective on how we see ourselves within the world. It can be helpful to think of your own parent - would you speak to your own child the way you speak to yourself? What would you do to protect your child’s sense of safety? Turning that same unconditional love and acceptance on ourselves can be shockingly difficult - but in many ways, it’s kind of the key to everything from success in your career, love life, and overall happiness and satisfaction.

A lot of our bad habits or ways of operating or thinking are ingrained in us during our childhoods. It’s only through some serious self-reflection that we can identify what they are. You might not discover the tools you need to change for the better, but you’ll learn what needs to be changed, and that’s the first step. 

YouTube and Podcasts

As practically everything online becomes normalized as valid modes of research, so do more and more more useful platforms for self work. Do you want to give yourself a competitive edge? Or learn how to stop smoking? Or you want to be better at relationships? Finances? A deep dive into YouTube and podcast channels that deal with those particular issues are a very useful and valid form of research. Even better, it’s often bite-sized so you’re able to take it in on your own time.

Professional Help

From therapy apps to recovery coaches to financial planners, there’s a professional resource that can help get you to whatever that next level is that you’re looking for. Even if you’re doing well, a career or business coach can help get over a plateau or just see things from new angle. If you struggle with substance abuse, then a drug rehab center might be the push you need to make a real change. If you’re having family issues, a family or relationship therapist can be incredibly helpful. However even if you’re not having any ‘problems’ per se, professional help can often reaffirm all the things you are doing right and help you get on track for the next step.

Friends and Family
We all exist to help each other get through life. The very concept of community proves this. And there’s something to be said for those close to you who may have been in similar situations in the past. If nothing else, it always helps to talk things out with people. It can help us to clarify our thoughts , helps those closest to us understand us on deeper level, and also holds us accountable. If your friends and family know that you want to, say, improve your career, then they’ll be an ongoing source of encouragement and support. 

LivingTienlyn Jacobson