/ JACKET / JEANS / SHIRT (vintage, similar HERE) / SHOES / BAG / HAT / 

/ JACKET / JEANS / SHIRT (vintage, similar HERE) / SHOES / BAG / HAT

Ketchikan was our first stop in Alaska, and proved to be one of my favorites. From the stunning coastline to the perfect, crisp weather (very welcomed after a summer in the desert), Ketchikan proved the perfect place to explore. We did a walk down the more touristy, busy street, stopping at New York Cafe for hot coffee and chowder, and Miss Dolly's House for a brothel tour (I'm a sucker for old-time history, especially the more personal stories). After that, we jumped off the beaten road, walking miles through the back neighborhoods until we reached the Rainbird Trail, a lush, stunning hike that took us deep into the forest. 

One of my favorite things to do in a new town is to just start walking - you get to see a more authentic snapshot of everyday life, and you never know where you will end up, or what you will discover! In Ketchikan, this included stumbling across a Sasquatch Response Team truck, charming half A-frame homes, a waterfall in the middle of a suburban neighborhood, and a bald eagle. 

Next up - Juneau and Skagway! 



Photos by Kelsey Bollig