SHIRT. SKIRT (ALC skirt now on major SALE), JACKET (Skingraft, sold out. Similar HERE and HERE). BAG. SHOES (similar). SUNGLASSES. RING. EARRINGS. BRACELET(Kamryn Dame past season, new season HERE).
Another result from shopping in my closet in Palo Alto - I originally bought this skirt at Intermix to wear on The Talk nearly a year ago, and never ended up wearing it. I only wore it once or twice before it somehow got lost between the dry cleaner's and closet. I forgot how much I love it! It's the perfect pop of color to break up an otherwise monochromatic outfit (not counting this navy purse that I've been wearing everywhere).
I've been so in love with soft pinks and lavender this season - slowly but surely, small bouts of color are starting to make their way back into my wardrobe. Must mean spring is around the corner! ;)
Photos by Kelsey Bollig