Making Wellness a Priority And Not Just Health
The common conception is that if we are healthy then we are automatically well. But that often isn’t the case. Healthy habits are a great start - but mental health goes beyond just how we care for our bodies. Here are a few of our favorite tricks for those feelings we all get in life at times.
If You’re Feeling Overwhelmed
If you are ever feeling overwhelmed, it’s okay to take a step back. You do not have to be 100% all the time and it’s okay to need a break, whether it is just five minutes or a few days. Constant overwhelm is a direct path to stress - and stress, as we know, can lead to all sorts of additional health and wellness issues,
Overwhelming feelings are tough, so the best thing we can do is step back and give ourselves some space. And as simple as this advice may sound, it’s often harder to do than expected. And the effectiveness is often surprising.
Try An Active Hobby
If you’re not into typical fitness, taking up an active hobby is a great way to get your endorphins going (natural mood enhancers) while simultaneously giving you a sense of connection to a community and the world around you - which in turn helps with depression.
Thinking that an active hobby isn’t for you? How do you know? From martial arts to running, dancing, gardening, or a beginner yoga class, as long as you are doing something to release the stress, what you do isn’t nearly as important as just doing it.
Not Feeling Confident
Not feeling confident can impact mental health. Wellness is all about the mental side of things, but if confidence is lacking then it could carry into the physical as well. Taking small steps towards achieving your confidence is important. If it’s something you feel like is easily fixable, like researching how much do braces cost to give you an idea of where you might need to start working towards a place of more confidence, then we’re all about it. But whether the confidence issue is exterior based or something else, a therapist is also a great place to start - and often better spent money than working from the outside in, if you know what we mean.
A Thoughtful Misfit is a woman who doesn't fit in boxes - from how she dresses, to the way she lives, to the way she chooses to mother and to love…