While overall I love the desert weather, it always seems to be some point in August that Nikko and I look at each other and ask, is it over yet? You know you acclimated when anything under 100% seems cool to you... We had a few amazing days where the weather has brought lower temps and a refreshingly cool breeze. Low enough for me to justify pants, sleeves, and even *gasp* layers!
This is the last week before things catapult into full frenzy mode. Starting the second week of September, we have back-to-back projects for pretty much the rest of the month - projects I'm really excited to share more about, but that I can't quite yet - but it's turning this current week into a crazy, run-around-like-a-madwoman kind of week - you know, the kind with 5 to-do lists that seem to get longer every time you cross things off... luckily, there's coffee, and lots of it...