The Practical Side Of Preparing For A New Baby
Whether or not you love being pregnant, once you know a baby is coming, it’s hard not to get super excited about all the fun stuff that comes with it from adorable outfits to the latest baby gear that just so happens to (coincidentally of course) match your new purse - er, we mean, diaper bag. And while that stuff is definitely the more fun side of the entire experience, the fact of the matter is that a baby is about to burst into the middle of your world like a hand grenade. And while you can actually figure a lot of it out as you go, it’s definitely helpful to have a few big things off the checklist.
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Start With Your Financial Plan
Yes, college is probably a thing you should start thinking about (we recommend setting up a 529 before any of the major holidays so you can request donations instead of unnecessary baby gifts, of which there will be many). But before that, there are diapers, another mouth to feed, more health insurance, etc etc. And before that, there’s making sure you’re covered as far as a financial plan for maternity leave. Whether you started before getting pregnant or are just getting started now, using those 9 months to save money and prep so that you can focus on healing and bonding with your baby and family without added financial pressure.
Think about what you need to buy ahead for your new baby and what that budget looks like, but also think about what you want to achieve with the time that you spend with your baby and how you can live comfortably - and with as little stress as possible. A financial plan should include things like developing a new budget to see you through, as well as using help from to pay off any debt and letting go of the stress that comes with it.
Give Yourself A Break
You are brand newly pregnant and you are excited, vulnerable, probably already uncomfortable, and definitely scared. It’s a maelstrom of emotion and you need to give yourself a break. You will never be perfect at preparing for your baby to arrive, but you can do as much as you can to ensure that they arrive into a safe, happy environment. Babies are resilient - you are too.
Keep A Healthy Pregnancy
Yes, you are building a person from scratch. And while the motivation is to be as healthy as possible, you also have to remember that healthy means listening to yourself and being realistic with where you are in your health journey. If you’re not vegan, now is not the time to make a massive diet switch. However adjusting your diet to make sure you’re getting the right nutrients is still incredibly helpful. If you are not used to hitting the gym hard five days a week, don't start now. Instead, start to walk a little more and indulge in pregnancy yoga. Little improvements over a longer period of time can truly move mountains.
Manage Your Stress
Stress has a big impact on a pregnancy, so assessing where yours is coming from is not only a nice form of self care, but a necessary one. If you are in debt, speak to your creditors. If your job sucks, speak to your boss. If you’ve got a toxic relationship, figure out how to set the right boundaries right now. Do what you need to do now so that you remain calm and zen throughout this pregnancy.
A Thoughtful Misfit is a woman who doesn't fit in boxes - from how she dresses, to the way she lives, to the way she chooses to mother and to love…