Starting A New Business As A Mom


When we become mothers, one of the things that becomes more precious than anything, is our time. Priorities have changed, and no matter how much you love your career (and we love ours), you can no longer put it before absolutely everything in your life. Combining work and parenting is a constant (and constantly shifting) juggling act that basically never comes with an easy, clear, or straightforward solution.

For some reason, launching your own business can be especially appealing after having babies. The thought of building a legacy, having an outlet for your creativity, and being able to work with flexible hours are all enticing. But with demanding little ones, putting a few organizational strategies and guidelines in place is not only ideal, it’s absolutely necessary.

Build A Schedule around A Schedule You Can Stick To

We moms are generally pretty great at scheduling and creating routines, and this talent moves up to ninja level when we apply it to business. At least part of the reason for becoming an entrepreneur is usually the freedom it affords you to set your own pace. However, you still need to somehow ensure that you have enough time for work, being there for your kids ,and being able to squeeze in some self-care too. Things like waking up early so you can fit some work in before the kids get up (even if it means an earlier bedtime for you) or scheduling calls during nap time are all ways to find some extra time.

Ask For Help - And Use It

We’ve created this cultural trope of the modern superwoman who has a stellar career, great relationships, and the perfect family - and looks great doing it. Learning to let go of that and reject the perfection myth is step one to making it work. A sign of strength is knowing when you need help, asking for it, and accepting it when it’s offered. No one can do it all on their own. Just make sure you are clear on what you need when asking for help, in order to make running a business viable. Whether that means roping in grandparents or getting some professional help with tasks around the home, delegating some of your everyday to those who can help is a huge key to success. Take advantage of business support available out there too , like setting up an office address with or using a virtual PA to keep things organized.

Limit Your Distractions

Combining work and motherhood means that you pretty much always feel like you’re missing out on something. And between us, we’ve found that one of the best ways to get around FOMO is to just not know what’s out there. In other words, minimizing disruption so you can make the most of your time. This could mean using a social media blocker to avoid mindless scrolling, or it could be setting specific times throughout the day to check in on your kids. When you’re supposed to be focusing on work, give it 110% and you may find you can get a lot more done in shorter hours (this is a mom superpower, we swear). It may take a while to find the perfect balance, so aim to find what works for you for the moment and don’t be afraid to switch it up if needs be.

Forget Balance

Insider’s tip: there is no such thing as balance! So stop beating yourself up for not finding it. A normal person has days where they are focused and productive and other days where they are not - and this only magnifies when you become a mom - or when you start your own business. Looking at the big picture is a huge help when it comes to letting go of mom guilt and also letting go of that nagging feeling that you could be doing more at any one time. You’re doing plenty. And remember, it doesn’t all have to happen at once either.