Top Tips for Traveling With Elementary-Aged Kids
Family trips are a great way to let our kiddos broaden their horizons and try new things. It’s also an opportunity for quality bonding time with our families. That said, traveling with kids can be stressful. To help your vacation sail smoothly, we’ve put together some tips for traveling with your elementary-aged kids.
Let Them Pack Their Luggage
How much help they’ll need depends on their age and travel experience, but allowing our kids to pack their own luggage has endless benefits. You’ll have less on your plate, your kiddo will have a lesson in independence and responsibility, and you’ll give them autonomy over their wardrobe.
We recommend making a list of what clothing items they’ll need. Let them choose the outfits and have them bring you their packed bags. Doing a bag check places parents in a “helper” role, granting kids a bit of rewarding independence.
Set Rules About Electronics Use
Have a family discussion about electronics before leaving for the trip and set boundaries for when using them is OK. Giving kids a time allotment can work great, but so can allowing them to use devices only during downtime, such as on the plane or in the car.
The most important thing is that they understand when it’s family time. Allow your kids both family time and alone time, and agree to respect each other’s boundaries. For example, we say no electronics during family time and no requests from mom during alone time!
Let Everyone Pick an Activity
While planning your trip, ask your kids to do some research about the area and let you know of anywhere they want to visit. This can be a fantastic way to engage them in the trip planning process. They will also be more willing to do an activity if they know that a parent or sibling is excited about it. Set a rule with your family that everyone will be respectful and kind about each other’s chosen activity—parents included.
Consider Getting Them a GPS Tracker
This is an excellent option for kids who are too young for a cellphone. GPS trackers have several benefits for parents, including phone and emergency capabilities. These are a solid way to grant a child some independence without worrying. GPS tracking also allows us to find our kids in a crowd, making these devices perfect for theme parks or airports.
Traveling with elementary-aged kids can be a blast. At this age, give them some independence and set clear expectations. Your child will appreciate it.
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