Turn Your Current Space Into The Place Of Your Dreams.
It’s all too easy to gaze wistfully at the smorgasbord of interior perfection that washes across our Pinterest boards daily and feel as though the home of our dreams is too far from our hands. But the truth is that dreams spring to life where we build them and there’s no better place to build than where we are right now.
Here are a few of our favorite insights into how to make where you are now the place of your dreams.
Make It More You
Let’s start with the simple question of how do you take a space and make it more you? How long have you been living here? How many personal photos are there around the space? How much of the decor is there because you want it there? How much time have you actually spent making this place your own? It’s easy to become blind to details over time, especially in our own spaces. But if we constantly feel as though we are in a home that is not our own, it’s not going to make us feel as though we can truly be ourselves. And it will hardly be our dream home.
Try taking a walk through your room and making a list of things that are there for any other reason other than functionality or personal taste. Most of wind up being blown away at how long that list can be!
Fix What’s Broken
It could be simple things such as a small hole or crack in the wall, or it could be more complex issues like a problem with the roof. If it’s the latter, hire a roofing contractor to come out and take a look for peace of mind - for anything structural, it’s a good idea to bring in an expert or two first to get a good idea as to how pressing it might be.
Just as before, we suggest going through the home and making a list of everything that’s broken - or that gives you concern and might need an expert. Divide the list into small and big tasks to make it more manageable. One thing we love to do is to knock off a few small items whenever we need a little morale boost between the big ones.
Another thing we love to do is to consider what we already have that we might want to upgrade or add a little extra love and attention to, whether that be a special piece of furniture that needs reupholstering, or a vintage light that might be rewired. These little touches add the personal touch we are looking for while upgrading the value of our space.
Tackle The Garden
The final thing that is absolutely worth a mention is the garden. For a lot of people, the garden can be a nightmare space that seems incredibly daunting - and only gets worse the longer you leave it. However, sitting outside on a warm day in a beautiful outdoor space is a non-negotiable when it comes to a dream space. If your entire space seems too daunting but you don’t want to go by way of a full re-landscape, raised planter boxes can make serious impact with minimal effort. Paring back weeds and brush, cutting and watering grass, and adding a few planters and fresh pillows to the furniture can do wonders without shelling out a major chunk of change.
Spring is the best time to start some of the more important home improvement projects around your house. Here are the main ones you should prioritize.