The Weirdest Advice Given To Pregnant Women. Ever.
Something that seems to happen immediately when a woman becomes pregnant is that everyone around her suddenly becomes an expert. From mother-in-laws to random strangers on the street, everyone has an opinion on what a pregnant woman should and should not do.
While some advice may actually hold merit, it’s nearly impossible to give any kind of personal advice to pregnant woman. Why? Well besides every pregnancy being different (what might have been true or worked for one pregnant woman could be the complete opposite for another), it’s also none of your G-damn business. There. We said it.
So if you’ve ever felt the annoying pressure of being earnestly told some well-meaning but seriously misplaced advice while pregnant, just know that you’re not alone. In fact, we decided to poll all the mommy groups we’ve been blessed to join as of late, for some of their worst advice received just to prove it. Enjoy….
A Thoughtful Misfit is a woman who doesn't fit in boxes - from how she dresses, to the way she lives, to the way she chooses to mother and to love…