Parenting is perhaps the easiest responsibility in life to criticize yourself for. As parents, we are continually finding ways we may have been insufficient when really we are just doing the best job we can and trying to improve each and every day. Even those who have had six children will likely tell you that it’s not a science that you perfect, but an art you become skilled at over time.
It’s not hard to understand why some parents may be insecure about the task at hand. While there are books out there detailing countless advice, there’s no manual to help you perfectly maintain your specific family situation. However, we can look at overarching positive advice and feel more connected and secure through that.
But to what extent may this be felt? And what advice is important to hold onto and which advice can you let go of? While we’re firm believers in devil is in the details, the opposite is often true with parenting. Instead, we’ve found that focusing on larger themes while not sweating the details relieves stress from both parents and children.
So we’ve categorized some of the most common advice and compiled it below. Hopefully this should help any parent feel at least a little more competent in their parenting skills.
Staying Observant
It’s important to be observant of your child. They may not be able to tell you if something is wrong or what it is that is wrong, but the way in which they act could help you realize that something isn’t quite right. Keeping a close eye over them and validating the authority figures they are around can also be essential. When they’re in school, ensure you know just how they’re interacting with their class, and be an active participant in their learning process. The more you can involve yourself, the more you’ll notice if something is off. Remember, this doesn’t mean you have to be active in absolutely everything, but checking in regularly will not only help you to stay aware, it can also give you peace of mind for when you aren’t around.
During hard times, it’s essential for you to remain strong and to stay consistent. Children face different levels of challenge and different times and acting as a strong and consistent guide and careful helper throughout your parenting journey. Giving your child an emotionally stable environment provides them with a safe place. And if you need to bring in the big guns for tough situations, seeking extra help from professionals like Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers can help you with a range of essential litigation efforts, allowing you to seek justice and further protection for your child while maintaining your parenting role).
Help Them Grow
Help your child grow. Learning opportunities are never given in an easily-digestible manner in life. In fact several different scenarios can suddenly take precedence all at once - which can be a bit of a problem. The easiest way to help them grow in any situation? Talking with them. The more you can ensure your child is cared for, loved, and has the chance to reflect on certain scenarios by careful conversation with you, the better. Not only can this help them learn that others may not share the same principles that you have taught them and that it’s ok to be different, but that they should always communicate with you and other authorities if someone is mean to them. This can both help them grow as well as slowly start to build their own resilience and critical thinking when starting to attend school.
This life is long and bumpy - and no one gets out unscathed. However, while no parent is perfect, if your child feels safe and loved, you can rest assured that you’ve done your job well.
A Thoughtful Misfit is a woman who doesn't fit in boxes - from how she dresses, to the way she lives, to the way she chooses to mother and to love…