3 Overlooked Benefits of a Daily Commute
When we make our daily commutes, we may feel a dullness that comes from repetition. But some parts of the daily commute are good that many of us fail to see. Read on for more information on the overlooked benefits of a daily commute.
The Best Time for Faster Thinking
When we drive, walk, or bike for our commute, we mentally prepare for the day and any obstacles in our way. We won’t have much time to prepare, which will call for fast thinking and concentration. Some of the fastest and most constructive thoughts occur during our commute, and this thinking often goes unnoticed.
Fast-paced thinking helps us feel more awake and will kickstart the brain into thinking with clarity and concentration. The busiest workdays will often start with a commute filled with stress and planning. However, the calculations we make during that commute will help our minds prepare for the continuous stream of thoughts we’ll have during the day. Appreciate the time of mental preparation before you arrive at your destination, and feel better about the day.
A Period To Switch Gears
We have different mindsets depending on whether we’re out in the world or at home. During the commute, our minds gradually switch gears and settle into the mindset we need.
This shift in thinking is necessary for tasks that are specific to our jobs, volunteering work, or chores at home, as each will have different processes that we think about. We need this gear shift to occur gradually to ensure we work comfortably in our roles.
People often overlook this benefit of commuting. Use your commute to shift gears and get in the right mindset.
Enjoying Time With Yourself
Commuting is one of the best times to be alone with yourself and enjoy the presence of your own company. Very few people understand us better than we do. We’ll enjoy the jokes we make and the conversations we have with ourselves, and there’s no one around to judge. The route traveled may have some great sights to see, and you could stop for some of your favorite food to enjoy by yourself.
The car we drive will also make the experience more pleasant, and there are some sports cars that make great daily drivers. Revel in the time you spend alone; the activity of traveling in isolation will feel special, and you’ll have time to decompress if you’re heading home from a stressful day.
Daily commutes aren’t the most fun, but they aren’t completely terrible. Consider these overlooked benefits the next time you commute, and enjoy the value of your short-term travel.
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