5 Overlooked Benefits Of A Daily Commute (Fixed Gear Bike Edition)

For many people, the daily commute can be a dreaded part of the day. 

Whether it’s sitting in traffic, crammed onto a crowded train or bus, or dealing with unpredictable delays, commuting can be a significant source of stress. However, there is one form of commuting that can actually be a positive experience: riding a fixed-gear bike. 

Of course, depending on where you live, you will have to pass a lot of road safety and competency tests, but many people who ride to work on a bike report that it is much better for both their physical and mental health than simply using a train, bus or car.

So, if you are considering purchasing a bike for your commute, here are five advantages to consider.


If you work in an office or have another job that involves a lot of sitting down, chances are you are behind on your exercise. Riding a fixed-gear bike is an excellent form of exercise, and commuting by bike can help you incorporate some physical activity into your daily routine. A fixed-gear bike requires constant pedaling, which means you are engaging your leg muscles and getting a cardio workout without even realizing it. By biking to work, you can improve your overall health and fitness and may even see improvements in your mental health.

If you are intrigued by the different kinds of fixed-gear bikes, head to steedbikes.com for information on the different bikes that are within your price bracket.

Time Savings

Commuting on a fixed-gear bike can save you time compared to other forms of transportation. With a bike, you can avoid traffic congestion and don’t have to worry about finding a parking spot. You will also find that you have more flexibility in terms of routes and can often take shortcuts that are not accessible by car or public transportation. Also, when you get to the office or your place of work, depending on the type of bike you have, you can simply fold it up!

Cost Savings

Commuting on a fixed-gear bike can save you money on transportation costs. You don’t have to pay for gas, parking, or public transportation fares, which can add up over time. In addition, biking can help you save money on healthcare costs by improving your overall health and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

Environmental Benefits

Any kind of push bike is an eco-friendly way to get around. It produces no emissions and has a minimal carbon footprint, making it a great option for reducing your environmental impact. By biking to work, you can do your part in reducing air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

Mental Health Benefits 

As mentioned earlier, commuting on a fixed-gear bike can have significant mental health benefits. Biking has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety and can help improve your overall mood. The sense of freedom and empowerment that comes with riding a bike can also help boost your confidence and self-esteem.

This is because exercise increases the production of adrenaline, which, in turn, increases the production of feel-good neurochemicals serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin.