Here’s What Might Be Causing You Sleepless Nights


Sleep - what is that? Sleepless nights are an issue that affects millions of people worldwide each year. The thing is, what could be causing you to have sleepless nights almost every night? Take a look at these potential and sometimes surprising reasons:

An Uncomfortable Bed

One of the most obvious reasons for sleepless nights is sleeping on a bed that is only marginally more comfortable than a hard floor! Mattresses and bed frames don’t last forever, and you’ll need to buy new ones every few years, or you’ll start feeling uncomfortable.

When shopping for new mattresses and bed frames, don’t just look online and choose what you think is the best combination. Be sure to try them out in person, as some beds might seem firmer or softer than anticipated, and they can affect your quality of sleep.

Too Much Screen Time

The trouble with today’s digital world is how most people spend far too much time looking at their smartphones, tablets, and computer screens.

You might not know it, but screens emit blue lights that block melatonin production in the body. Melatonin is a sleep-inducing hormone that your body needs to help you sleep and wake up in a cyclic way.

Consider banning yourself from screen time a few hours before bedtime to limit your blue light exposure. Alternatively, you could invest in some eyeglasses that block blue lights or adjusting the settings on your devices to reduce blue light emissions.

Excessive Caffeine Consumption

Do you love drinking a cup of coffee or 12 each day? You will probably know that your coffee contains caffeine in it. But, what you may not know is the caffeine in your coffee could be a leading contributory factor to your insomnia.

There are two effective ways to resolve that problem. Firstly, you could cut back on the amount of coffee you drink each day (or avoid drinking it at all). Alternatively, you could switch to caffeine-free coffee.

Sleep Keeps Getting Interrupted

If you share your bed with someone each night, your bed partner could be the reason why you aren’t getting a good night’s sleep.

Most folks might assume they have a partner, spouse, or young child, for instance, that keeps moving around in bed at night and causing them to wake up and go back to sleep several times each night.

The thing is, some people may have canine companions that share their beds with them, and they can be equally to blame!

Your Medication Causes You Sleepless Side Effects

Lastly, if you have to take prescription medication, it’s worth researching its most common side effects. That’s because insomnia could be one of the top side effects.

If you feel that your medication is the reason for your sleepless nights, talk to your doctor about it and have them switch you over to an alternative medicine.