Simple Ways To Reduce Your Household’s Carbon Footprint


Running a household, you’re at least somewhat aware of how much waste your home creates. None of us are perfect, and we can probably all do our part a bit better. Luckily, we can help offset climate change without having to changing our entire lifestyles or personalities. If you want to try to improve your home’s sustainability, review the following simple ways to reduce your household’s carbon footprint.

At-Home Habits

Encourage your household members to adopt the following habits, as each decreases your home’s overall environmental impact.

Turn Off the Lights

When leaving a room, be sure to switch the lights off. It’s a simple concept, but many folks neglect to switch all light fixtures off before heading out. It just takes a little practice to make it a habit - but that habit once formed, will go a long way. Even better, swap your bulbs to LED for even less of an energy expenditure (and lower bills too, bonus).

Unplug Devices

Here’s one a lot of us forget. Unplug any device that are not in use. Unplugging equipment reduces your household’s overall electrical waste. Vacation and travel are also great times to do a quick walk around the house and see what could be left unplugged while you’re away.

Minimize Shower Time

Decrease your home’s water consumption by encouraging shorter shower times. A low-flow showerhead is also a great way to increase your home’s water efficiency and minimize water heating costs. Setting a timer is a good way to start becoming aware of how much time we spend in the shower - and turning the water on when we’re already in the shower is another great way to avoid wasted running time.

Reconsider Your Clothing

Many of us overlook how our fashion sense and the onslaught of trends can affect the environment. A few simple ways to reduce our household’s carbon footprint include avoiding fast fashion and upcycling or recycling clothing.

Avoid Fast Fashion

Most brands tend to produce trend-based styles at an unsustainable rate, which results in manufacturers simply tossing away what doesn’t sell. Avoid contributing to the fast-fashion crisis by opting for high-quality clothing that will last season after season. And since trends are cyclical perusing thrift stores for the latest trends is a great way to look au current but with a little extra originality (and while saving a buck or two, sometimes).

Upcycle and Recycle

Before you toss that old sweater, consider whether it can afford a second life. If it can, donate it to a local shelter or thrift store. If not, you can upcycle it into mittens, beanies, or cozy pillowcases. Finding ways for your clothing to last or have a second life is a creative and practical approach to reducing your home’s carbon footprint.

Adjust Your Shopping Habits

Expand mindful practices into other areas of consumerism in your life, such as grocery shopping. Here’s how.

Use Reusable Bags

Over the past decade, many shoppers have grown accustomed to toting their own grocery bags to the store. If you’re not already, use reusable bags for any shopping purposes. Most grocery stores sell branded grocery totes - or even better, indulge yourself in a super-chic one from a favorite shop (netted bags are our personal favorites) that you’ll love carrying into the store. The more you like your bag, the more likely you’ll remember to bring it along. In some cities, using reusable bags can even prevent a small plastic bag fee.

Shop in Bulk

One significant perk of buying your goods wholesale is that there’s typically less plastic wrapping to deal with. So not only do you score a better deal per unit, but you also minimize your household’s waste. Utilize these tips for buying in bulk to optimize your new shopping experience. It’s also often healthier to buy some products in bulk, like dried beans, grains, etc. It’s a great way to stock up on non-processed foods to have on hand in the kitchen.

Support Sustainable Brands

Unfortunately, not all brands have adequate sustainability missions. And even more disappointing, a lot of the ones that claim they do put most of their focus in marketing. Dig a little deeper when it comes to your favorite clothing, produce, appliances, and other houseware brands. Support companies that highlight their environmental responsibilities, offer transparency in their process, and use sustainable practices.